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The right clearinghouse can make all the difference

Integration with Waystar

Get Started

Waystar delivers leading-edge technology that simplifies and unifies healthcare payments. Our intuitive, cloud-based platform removes friction in payment processes, streamlines workflows and can help you start seeing better financials fast. Combined with AlayaCare’s robust platform, our advanced technology can help client unlock the efficient workflows and actionable insights your organization needs to operate at its best.

Together Waystar and AlayaCare can help you automate workflows and brig more revenue, more quickly.  Discover the true power of our partnership.

Integration benefits

Streamline your revenue cycle processes by allowing users to remain in the AlayaCare system more often.
Increased visibility and transparency into your claims and remits data with your native platform.
Reduce the need to work in two systems where integration exists, ultimately saving valuable time.

Integration Features

Clients can seamlessly submit claims and receive remittances directly within the AlayaCare platform today.

  • Leverage the secure file transfer protocol (SFTP) to submit batches of claims without leaving your system.
  • View acknowledgement reports within your SFTP folder.
  • Download remittance files from the same SFTP folder to be easily posted to patient accounts.
  • For additional reporting, the Waystar platform provides visibility and action items to complement your claims management processes.


Please contact Waystar for pricing options.

Get Started

If you’re interested in learning more about our partner integration with Waystar, fill out the form today and we’ll be in touch. You can also reach out to Waystar here: