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Elevated caregiver training solution that seamlessly integrates with AlayaCare

Integration with CareAcademy

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Eliminate the pain of managing employee records in multiple systems 

CareAcademy serves as a training platform to deliver interpersonal and technical skills training for caregivers who provide in-home care. CareAcademy’s mobile platform delivers state-approved, video-based classes that promote active learning and cultivates skilled and trustworthy caregivers, contributing to better client outcomes. 

The CareAcademy + AlayaCare Integration eliminates the pain of managing employee records in multiple systems, helping save time and reducing human error. 

Integration benefits

Provide Better Patient Care

Maintain caregiver compliance and increase caregiver access to training resources.

Save Time and Money

Save time and money by eliminating double data entry and human error through the integration

Increased Visibility

Increased visibility into caregiver compliance directly in AlayaCare

Integration Features

How does the integration work?

Administrators within AlayaCare can automatically add, remove, update caregivers within CareAcademy. The algorithm used to decide to add or remove a caregiver can be configured, given certain guidelines. Configuration could be which employee status is used or other factors.

  • Automatically add or deactivate caregivers in CareAcademy from AlayaCare
  • Synchronize caregiver profile information within AlayaCare
  • Segment employees by locations
  • State-mandated compliance completion date automatically uploaded into AlayaCare

Six simple steps to integrate:
  1. Within CareAcademy, administrators configure how an employee is added/removed.
  2. CareAcademy then implements configuration and verifies integration.
  3. Next, administrators make sure their data fields are set properly, and existing employees are added/removed.
  4. Then, administrators add new employees within AlayaCare.
  5. Once that’s complete, administrators set the required data related to the employee.
  6. The employee is then automatically added into CareAcademy in the right dashboard


Please contact CareAcademy for pricing options

Get Started

If you’re interested in learning more about our partner integration with CareAcademy, fillout the form today and we’ll be in touch.