Why Today’s Announcement from Apple has a Huge Ripple Effect for Home Health Care

I’m quite confident that September 9, 2015 will be referenced as a key date in the future of virtual care delivery, remote patient monitoring and the future of home health care. Apple’s interest in the health vertical is nothing new, but what struck me as noteworthy was their formal partnership with AirStrip.
AlayaCare works with partners who work with AirStrip, and the stark difference between AirStrip and other RPM hardware companies is their clinical focus.
By broadening their scope of health technology to include not only wellness-based innovations but clinical-focused technology, Apple is opening up a world of opportunity to reinvent the healthcare industry. From the iTunes description AirStrip makes it plain and clear what they’re focus is:
IMPORTANT: AirStrip is intended for use by clinicians who care for patients. In order to use AirStrip, your healthcare facility must have purchased and installed AirStrip. There is an off-line demo built into this application which will allow you to learn more about the features AirStrip has to offer.
FANTASTIC! Apple has a history of the “Golden Touch”—their influence and power is legendary. Consider for a moment if your CEO’s email can affect the Global Economy – Tim Cook has that power, read here:
Apple has reinvented (in order) computing, music, and mobile—health is the next on the horizon. Central to health is wearables and specifically remote patient monitoring. I suspect AirStrip web traffic has increased by 100x – congratulations! @AirStripmHealth
Can you send us your API documentation so that we can implement your vital info and wearables into our telehealth dashboard? @Apple we’re also open for a meeting 🙂