When it Comes to New Home Health Software, Get the Most Out of Training

We are creatures of habit. We grow stronger, increasingly confident, and more efficient with perfected routines and constant patterns of work. Few of us do well with change.
But change is inevitable, particularly in business, where staying modern is essential to ongoing success. This is particularly true when it comes to keeping on top of the latest home health care software updates and technological advances.
Implementing an entirely new software structure inside a home care agency is no trivial matter, to be sure. At AlayaCare, we understand that a technological shift isn’t easy and is rarely seamless, which is why we dedicate significant time and attention to training. After all, it can be difficult for any employee or field worker to begin dealing with a new way of business, no matter how efficient it is meant to be.
Here are some best practices to keep in mind:
Step 1: Help staff see the forest for the trees
Of course it’s ideal if agency staff face a new software rollout with a positive frame of mind, rather than viewing it as a disruption to their workday. The best way to help that happen is to ensure that everyone understands the big picture from the outset. Staff members should have a thorough understanding of exactly how the new software will boost efficiency, aid in administrative tasks, and support the delivery of quality care.
When people understand why such a major shift is necessary, and what the end result will be, they are more likely to learn and embrace it quickly. Ensure the vision behind the technology – where is this agency going? – is clear to all.
Step 2: Start transitioning before the transition
Training is best started before new software is in place. A lot of pre-work may be needed and, with AlayaCare’s help, an agency can create lesson plans, how-to materials and real-life simulations for each user before the go-live date.
It’s best to launch offline prior to the full shift so that employees can practice, experiment and test-drive the new software features that are most relevant to their positions. This way they can work out any problems before the system is in place, which will relieve any lingering anxieties.
Step 3: Learn from the experts
It’s essential to ensure that software experts are involved throughout the training process. For that reason, AlayaCare guides training efforts for all of our clients. This is best performed as a team, combining classroom-style learning with opportunities for hands-on experimentation.
We’ve learned it’s important to stay patient, because learning the ropes of brand-new technology takes time. This is to be expected. Agency staff should be assured that once training is complete, they will be confident in operating the new system – and they’ll wonder how they ever did their job without it!
To support this learning, we tend to create a positive, uplifting training atmosphere.
Step 5: Follow up often
Once training is complete and a go-live date is set, it’s best to have a line in to the experts when needed. AlayaCare has in place a “zendesk” support site where users can ask questions anytime for immediate feedback, and also post issues on a message board where others can join and share solutions.
AlayaCare also has a client success team in place, which will always help ensure that new software is working the way it should. Call and ask to speak to one of AlayaCare’s client success managers anytime to discuss any up-front questions regarding our industry-leading software and our best practices for a tailored roll-out plan.