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Press release

#AlayaCulture: Meet Claire from Sales!


How did you learn about AlayaCare? 

I met a few members of the AlayaCare team at a health care and business conference hosted by my university. I went to the conference to learn first-hand from health care professionals about what they are doing to overcome inadequacies in the health care system (such as long wait times, overcrowding, and rural inaccessibility to affordable health care). I was super excited to hear about AlayaCare’s success with their technology that has been helping home care providers improve patient outcomes. Being recognized as one of the top 25 up and coming start-ups in Canada, I knew I wanted to line myself up with their innovators and leaders and become a part of the team!

Tell me about your role at AlayaCare 

As a sales intern for the Toronto office I work closely with the sales team and Director of Growth to review data and help determine which clients may be a good fit for our software. I also have the chance to work with the marketing team on special projects and participate in Lunch & Learns.

What is your background (education, past work experience, etc)?

I’ve completed my third year at Queen’s University majoring in Health Studies. I’ve been active on campus as a Peer Health Educator, advocating for fellow students and working with profs as an Academic Representative on the Health Studies Student Council. I’ve really enjoyed promoting the Health Studies program at university fairs across Ontario. Having worked as a summer student at Toronto Rehab in the Hull Ellis Concussion Clinic, I’ve had the opportunity to contribute to important research and work closely with rehabilitating patients.

What is your favourite part about working at AlayaCare? 

Image from iOS (32)-1Definitely working as part of a team! Whether I’m working with fellow interns, the sales and marketing team, or video conferencing with the Australian office, I always feel connected to a great group of people.


What is your favourite aspect of your role?

It has to be knowing I’m at the front end of something that I know will make home care jobs a little easier, and most importantly, benefit the patient.

Do you have any tips for someone looking to join the AlayaCare team?

Jump in. And if you have any questions, ask away! Everyone is super friendly and more than willing to help.

What skills would make someone successful at AlayaCare?

I think success comes from setting goals, creating a plan on how you’re going to meet them, and evaluating the success once it arrives. While it may be easier to reach goals if you have skills such as a being an exceptional organizer, communicator or time manager, success can also come from attitude. I believe determination and perseverance play an important role in success- whether you’re on the soccer field or trying to get over the hump of a project. Believing, trusting and knowing your product and competition will also help you get there.

What is your favourite snack in the AlayaCare kitchen? 

Do I have to pick just one? Gourmet Gummy Bears!!!

Complete the following sentence: Working at AlayaCare is…

Like finding the prize at the bottom of a Lucky Charms cereal box. You’re focused and working hard at getting through the box to get that prize at the bottom but all the way through there are sweet surprises- an exciting project, a new experience, or a celebration in recognition of an achievement.

What is your favourite memory from working at AlayaCare so far?

It would have to be our summer staff social. It was great way to hang out with co-workers and also challenge them to a game of whack-a-mole!

Want to learn, grow and experience the AlayaCare culture with Claire? Check out our job board!
